Festival of Creativity and Thinking 2022
Woollahra Public School is proud to present Connect: A Festival of Creativity and Thinking. The festival forms part of our school’s goal to ensure our children have opportunity to engage with rich learning experiences that foster innovative thinking and creativity. This year’s festival celebrates and encourages connection. The festival will offer rich opportunities to reconnect to ourselves, others and our world through the pursuit of creativity. We invite you to connect with your imagination, bodies, community, country and spirit.
Immersion in creativity can bring us closer together and help us cultivate greater self-awareness. Fine tuning the ability to feel a creative connection can help us develop our empathy and establish a deeper relationship between ourselves and the world.
What connects us is more powerful than what divides us.
Our festival event promises to engage the whole school community in a range of unique learning experiences, events and shared performances by our students, teachers and community members from Monday 15 August until Friday 2 September. Our grand opening ceremony will take place on the morning of Monday 22 August where special guest performers and speakers will officially open the creative journey of connection and deep learning. Over the course of the three-week event, a range of teacher led and expert community led workshops will be offered to all of our students. Community expert led workshops will provide unique learning experiences for our students including photography, art, writing, dance, film making, music, STEM and much more. The Great Debate will take place on the evening of Monday 29 August when community members are invited join us as our student and alumni debating teams showcase their critical and creative thinking skills as they debate an important question. A whole school art project will be exhibited on the same evening, staging the final piece from every student showing their exploration in making connections to their self. We also look forward to celebrating and sharing with all of our arts ensembles (band, choir, dance, rock bands) through daily performances.
The process of creating and thinking will drive our connections as we learn and create.
The festival celebrates how NSW public schools are equipping young people with the skills and capabilities they need to thrive in a rapidly changing, globalised world. The key messages include growth mindset, creative and critical thinking, evolution of the classroom, strong relationships, and commitment to innovation and excellence.
We invite you to join us for the various activities throughout the festival. Take a look at our festival guide and planner to find out what’s on.
Click here to view our Festival Guide and see below to view our Festival Planner.
Festival Events
The school has been buzzing with the excitment of the Connect 2022 Festival. Please click on the images below to view photos from some of the amazing workshops.