Opportunity Class Program
The Opportunity Class program at Woollahra is for academically gifted students in Years 5 and 6. The class provides a forum in which students can learn to be creative and critical thinkers. In this stimulating learning environment, students are encouraged to excel in all aspects of academic, social, sporting and artistic endeavour. They develop positive relationships with like-minded peers and learn alongside others of similar ability. The school has two Opportunity classes in Year 5 and two in Year 6.
Entry to the class is via assessment through the Department of Education’s High Performing Students Unit, Sydney. Students are required to complete an exam while in Year 4. The exam is held in July each year with the results sent to parents in October. The exam consists of an English component, mathematics and general ability components
For information on the selection procedures and dates for the Opportunity Class exam, contact the High Performing Students Unit.
Postal Address: Locked Bag 53 Darlinghurst NSW 1300
Email: ssu@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 1300 880 367
Website: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/learning/k-6assessments/ocplacement.php
Placement offers for the Opportunity Classes are made in October each year by the High Performing Students Unit for the following year. Woollahra holds an OC orientation day in November of each year to welcome our new students and their families. This involves spending a day at our school to participate in information sessions, tours and class activities.